Experience, rooted in community.
Over the past four years, Walnut Creek Mayor Pro Tem Cindy Darling has demonstrated she has the expertise, passion and collaborative spirit Walnut Creek wants in City Hall.
“I love Walnut Creek. It’s where I met my husband, raised my family and chose to retire. After a decade on the Planning Commission, four years serving on the City Council and a lifetime working as an environmental scientist focused on sustainability, I know how to collaborate with my neighbors to keep our city moving forward.”
“Love brought me to Walnut Creek. I met my husband, Gary, while working in town together on our passion—environmental policy. We soon chose to raise our two children, Rose and Grant, in this extraordinary community.
What Walnut Creek offered—good schools, incredible parks, a vibrant downtown and pristine open space—kept us here for the long run.
Ever since, I have done all I can to fight for Walnut Creek, from protecting open space and revitalizing our downtown on the City Council and Planning Commission, to protecting our environment as Oversight Chair of the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority and a board member of MCE Clean Energy.
I’m honored to have the continued support of my colleagues, local elected officials and community organizations. Over the past four years together, we have accomplished so much:
Funded and recruited a full-time team of social workers to assist our homeless, helping them to move out of encampments and into supportive housing.
Implemented a new climate sustainability plan, while keeping MCE Clean Energy rates below those of PG&E-powered cities, reducing carbon pollution by the equivalent of over 3 million gallons of gas.
Improved public safety for ALL with better training and increased data-driven crime prevention tools for WCPD, adding officers where they are needed, and implementing an alternative 24/7 mental health response program.
I believe I have fulfilled the promises I made in 2020 and know I can deliver even more for our town over the next four years. I hope you’ll join me again this November!
— Mayor Pro Tem Cindy Darling
Cindy worked to improve public safety for ALL by better training WCPD, fully funding services and implementing an alternative 24/7 mental health response program.
Walnut Creek brought in additional officers, crime analysts and technology to help keep our city safe. And to improve customer service and quality of life, WCPD now has a customer feedback program so anyone interacting with officers can weigh-in on their service. 90% have reported they were treated with respect and 85% held a positive view of the department.
Public Safety
Cindy helped implement a new climate sustainability plan, while keeping MCE Clean Energy rates below those of PG&E-powered cities, reducing carbon pollution by the equivalent of over 3 million gallons of gas.
Walnut Creek also expanded electric vehicle charging, encouraged diversion of waste from the landfill, banned gas powered leaf blowers and implemented innovative projects such as the Transit Signal Priority project and the free downtown shuttle, making it even more convenient to go from BART to downtown.
Cindy helped fund and recruit a full team of social workers to assist our homeless, helping them to move out of encampments and into supportive housing and jobs programs.
Since most offices are located far across the Bay, Walnut Creek needs to attract good jobs, while encouraging responsible development that provides a place for working families to live. Cindy has worked hard to attract new businesses, revitalize our downtown, balance the city budget (with strong reserves!) and improve long-term fiscal sustainability and oversight with Measure O.
Economic Prosperity for All
Proudly Endorsed By:
United Professional Firefighters Contra Costa
California Democratic Party
Walnut Creek Police Officers Association
Mark DeSaulnier
Steve Glazer
State Senator
Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
Tim Grayson
Ken Carlson
Candace Anderson
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